History of Gynaecography

Brief History of Gynaecography
In 1902, Kelling injected air into the peritoneum cavity for the first time to obtain a better view of abdominal organs. In 1912, a German pathologist
Jakobaus performed laparoscopy on cadavers and in so doing was the first to produce pneumoperitoneum. Lorey fluoroscoped cadavers and was astonished to find the abdominal organs well visualized. Goteze was the first to visualize radiologically a variety of intra- abdominal abnormalities by introducing 2-3 litres of oxygen into the abdominal cavity on living subjects. In the United States, A. Stein pioneered this diagnostic technique, later advocated by I. F. Stein who combined pneumoperitoneum with uterogram and made a number of contributions. After the introduction of tubal insufflations for assessment of tubal patency. Peterson was the first to use successfully the trans-uterine route for induction of pneumoperitoneum.


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